intimate parenthood session: mother’s day edition
Birth photography will always be my favorite but my intimate motherhood / parenthood sessions are quickly becoming a close second. In honor of Mother’s Day tomorrow, I wanted to share some images from a recent session I did with Anna, a lovely mama from Portland, Oregon, and her two sweet toddlers, Inez and Kahlo. We connected right away because we both have babies 18 months apart and I felt right at home with all of the joy, chaos, and laughter.
Anna gave me permission to share her poignant reflection on being a mother of four and recently adding two little ones to her family:
“Starting all over again and having two more babies hasn’t been easy. There are days that feel severely hard, and I feel beyond burned out. There are days that I miss the ease of only having two half way grown children and times that I feel so guilty. Guilty for missing out on moments with my oldest two because I’m taking care of my youngest two. I’ve been a parent almost half of my lifetime and I’ve gotten a chance to redo parenthood- to experience parenting in both my teens/twenties and now in my late thirties, both very different. I’m more me now, more tired now, more set in my ways, but more patient and naturally maternal. Even on the loud tantrum filled days it’s beautiful how these two littles have completed our family and how much joy they bring to our home. It’s truly heartbreaking how quickly they grow. Remember to savor each smooch and take deep wide eyed breaths during those hard times.💘”
If you would like to hear more from Anna you can follow along with her on instagram @annalesouk

Photos by When a Belly Blooms Birth Photography
Rachel is an award-winning birth photographer located in Eugene, Oregon. When she’s not taking pictures of babies being born she’s hanging out with her own babies, husband, dogs, cat, and two frisky pygmy goats.