birth: it doesn’t always look the way it does in the movies

birth photography in Oregon

Did you know that not all babies come out crying straight away? Some babies need an extra minute to transition to their new world and that doesn’t necessarily mean there’s any cause for alarm. In fact, I’ve most recently seen this happen when the birth itself was incredibly peaceful and calm (which makes total sense when you think about it). And when babies do need a little bit of extra support that’s when amazing doctors and midwives step in and help (yes, home birth midwives come prepared for these situations too!).

I absolutely loved capturing this moment: right as this mama heard her baby’s cry for the very first time. She just happened to look up directly at me with her face full of so much joy. I feel so honored to share in these moments with the families that trust me to document their births. Pure magic.

What about you? Did your babies come out screaming and hollering right away or did they take their time?

Photos by Eugene Birth Photographer When A Belly Blooms

birth photos in Eugene.jpg

Rachel is an award-winning birth photographer located in Eugene, Oregon. When she’s not taking pictures of babies being born she’s hanging out with her own babies, husband, dogs, cat, and two frisky pygmy goats.

Rachel W

Rachel is an award-winning birth photographer located in Eugene, Oregon. When she’s not photographing babies being born she’s hanging out with her husband, two kids, two dogs, a cat, and her two frisky pygmy goats.

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