the truth about nuchal cords
Did you know that 1 in 3 babies are born with the umbilical cord wrapped around their neck and it’s typically no big deal? This is referred to as a “nuchal cord.” Some parents worry their baby won’t be able to breathe in this instance, but babies actually receive oxygen and nutrients through the cord itself. They don’t take their first breath through their mouth and nose until after they’re born.
This is also why babies don’t drown during water births. They don’t take their first breath until they’re in the air. The cord supplies them oxygen. This is one of the many reasons that it’s so important to delay cutting the cord for as long as possible after birth. If baby is in distress, the cord will continue to provide oxygen and act as an incredible built-in life support. 🌟
Was your baby born with their cord wrapped around them?
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Rachel is an award-winning birth photographer located in Eugene, Oregon. When she’s not taking pictures of babies being born she’s hanging out with her own babies, husband, dogs, cat, and two frisky pygmy goats.